
Domino’s Pizza

Dominoes (also called bones, cards, men or pieces) are rectangular tiles that feature a line in the middle to divide them visually into two squares, each of which is marked with an arrangement of dots, called pips. The number of pips on one side is the value of that domino, while the other side may be blank or have no pips at all. A domino with more pips is said to be “heavier” than a similar tile with fewer pips.

The basic rules of most domino games are very simple, but there are many variants. In most cases, a game is played with a set of 28 dominoes which are shuffled and formed into a stack, known as the stock or boneyard. Each player draws a number of tiles for their hand according to the rules of the game being played. Each player then adds his or her tile to the line of play by matching its pips with an open end on another domino. A player who draws more tiles for his hand than he is permitted to do so is called overdrawn and must immediately return the extra tiles to the stock.

Adding a domino to the chain can be done in any direction, but the most common method is for the player to place it perpendicular to an existing double with its matching ends touching. The resulting chain develops into a snake-like shape as the dominoes are played side-to-side or across. Some games require that the player placing a domino be able to see all four of its matching ends; this is known as a spinner.

In addition to its well-known pizza delivery service, Domino’s is also a leader in online ordering and home delivery of other items such as salads and pasta. The company’s strategy of listening to its customers and responding quickly has helped it stay ahead of its competition and has made the Domino’s brand a household name.

The Domino’s story is a classic example of how a simple idea can be expanded upon to create something much bigger. The company’s initial success came from a simple idea – to deliver pizza quickly – and it expanded upon that concept by focusing on delivering the pizza to people who were often in a hurry and needed to have their food delivered. Similarly, an author’s plot can be expanded upon by thinking about how to build the characters and situations that will lead up to the event the author wishes to depict. Whether the author composes his or her manuscript off the cuff or carefully follows an outline, all novels need scenes that advance the story and bring it closer to its goal. By considering how dominoes are used in construction, authors can find new ways to add drama and tension to their works of fiction.